No matter the season, running can be a positive experience. It helps release endorphins in the body and reduces stress levels - both of which are good for physical and mental health.
Running also provides other benefits such as improving cardiovascular function, reducing blood pressure and cancer rates. It also strengthens muscles and bones, giving runners a better physique than non-runners.
Running is great for weight loss, too! Running regularly can help people feel fitter, happier and healthier within just a few weeks of exercising regularly. It's a fantastic way to get into shape - even if you haven't run before or you're starting out again after a long time out!
Planning to start running? Here are some tips to ponder before you start.
Build up your strength and stamina gradually
One of the most important aspects of running regularly and safely isbuilding up your running stamina and strength gradually. Start by setting out on short distances and build up the distance as time goes on.

For beginner runners, it is recommended that you start running two to three times a week with a duration of 20 to 30 minutes and gradually increase the intensity from there. A general rule of thumb for runners is to increase your weekly mileage by 10% - this is also called the “10-percent rule.” The important thing to remember when you’re already trying to buildup your running endurance is to do it slowly to prevent injuries.
If you have been inactive for a long time then try jogging around the park once a week and build up to more intensive runs. Running regularly in the fresh air is also good for you and your overall health!
Consult your doctor
Before starting a new exercise routine it is best to check with your doctor. Your health care provider can give you a physical exam to check if you have any health risks that may not suitable for your health status.
Some health conditions that may put you at risk for complications include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney problems.
Wear the right gear
Get the right pair of running shoes, moisture-wicking socks, and comfortable running attire. These will help youavoid running injuries, gives you comfort, and help improve performance.

For your running shoe, make sure that it’s comfortable and brings good support for your feet. When visiting the shoe store Moisture-wicking socks are helpful in keeping your feet dry and staying warm if you’re using them during the colder months. And, running clothing and gear is just as important for harsher seasons.
To get affordable yet high-quality running gear with GearTOP. Choose fromversatile reflective running gloves that will keep you warm and safe even in low-light. Make sure you have the right kit to get yourself ready to run by visiting the GearTOP Amazon shop!
Get motivated and set a realistic goal
Starting a new exercise is really challenging. Set a small, achievable goal for you that can motivate you to enjoy running. It could be losing weight, a healthy lifestyle, or a stress reliever.
List down your goal and aspiration to keep you more motivated and focused. Have your own mantra that can boost your desire and energy to go for it. Focus on your goal and never compare your progress to anyone.
In fact,here are some tips on how to make goals that are achievable! ;)
Join a group or sign up for a fun run
When you are just starting a running routine sometimes getting up early to run alone is really challenging. Sometimes, it could lessen your motivation.
Joining a running group leads you to meet new running enthusiasts with the same goals and running can be more enjoyable.

Having a motivated group of runners also adds to your motivation and accountability to pursue your routine. "There’s a so-called “social facilitation” that when you run with others, you tend to give more effort,” says Cindra Kamphoff, Ph.D., a sports psychology consultant at Your Runner's Edge.
Don’t forget to warm up and cool down
You need to warm up your muscles before starting to run to prevent injuries. Dynamic stretching is better before an exercise like brisk walking or high knees to help activate your muscles during a workout. Here are somewarmup exercises that you can do before your runs.
Also, do not forget to cool down stretching after you exercise to lower your heart rate and return to its normal level, and reduce muscle soreness.
Play your favorite workout playlist
When you are running alone, music is a very good tool to relieve boredom. And,a study from the National Center for Health Research concluded that “choosing music that you enjoy and that fits your exercise routine can help you get more out of your exercise experience.”
So, put on those earbuds and blast your favorite workout playlist for a fun and satisfying workout.
Take it easy
Run at a comfortable pace without obsessing about running too fast and too much. Run with some walking intervals when you get exhausted.
Do not force yourself to run all out on your few sessions as your body is not yet used to it, you will likely get injured, get easily tired, and lose your motivation.
Running will become hard work for you that will likely make you quit sooner or later. Give your body time to adapt and gradually increase your training as the day goes by. It's always best to enjoy it to achieve the endorphins effect.
Beware of side aches

More runners suffer from side aches or cramps in the abdominal muscles during running. Avoid eating too much before you start running. Eat 2-3 hours before the start and fuel up your body with light, pre-exercise snacks to keep you coping with the intensity of your training.
Stay hydrated
Hydration is very important when running, more importantly during hot humid weather. Bring enough water to avoid dehydration, fatigue, and injury prevention.
Try other forms of exercise
Incorporate some cross-training into your workout routine to help you not get bored of doing the same exercise all over again. It will prevent you from experiencing stress running and will strengthen other parts of your body to avoid injury while becoming stronger.
Take a rest day
Take care of your body and let it have rest to recover from pain and fatigue from your last session. Be patient, enjoy the process, celebrate your gradual progress, and focus on consistency.

Running is a great way to get in shape, but it can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Here are some of the most important tips for beginners that may help make your first few runs easier and more enjoyable!
Read more about running tips onour blog so you can start building up those miles right away.
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