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Why running in autumn is the best?

  • 2 min read

Reasons why you should start running in autumn

Fall running season is one of the best times to go out and kick-start your running routine. Here are some of the reasons why it is the best time to enjoy the great outdoors and lace up.

1. Ideal temperature

Fall is one of the best times to start running because the temperature is just perfect to run outside any time of the day. The cooler temperature will help increase your running performance without worrying too much about the heat and humidity while experiencing cooler, fresh air.

2.  Beautiful scenery

It is the time of the year when you will absolutely love running outside. The scenery is one of the best motivations to run outdoor. The colorful, autumn leaf colors and beautiful foliage creates excitement and enjoyment while running. This can help you be more connected with nature and appreciates the beauty of the scenery around you. This way, running can be absolutely a fun time to do.

3. Runner's peak season

It is when more runners kickstart and increase their running performance due to the ideal weather and a marathon season. More runners are hitting the trail and it is the best time to find a running buddy.

4. Seasonal-themed fun races

It’s the season when more fun seasonal-themed races are being organized. You can join and sign up with your buddy. It is enjoyable and will be something new to try. Joining some themed races creates excitement, keeps you more motivated to run, and can add some fun to your usual running routine.

5. Delicious seasonal treats

It is great to reward yourself with some delicious recovery treats after having a long run. Fall running is the time when you can enjoy some seasonal foods to try and enjoy yourself for a job well done with some delicious treats that are only available this time of the year.


Fall is the perfect time to start running, and there are plenty of reasons why. The weather is milder, the leaves are changing color, and there’s a sense of new beginnings in the air. If you’re looking for an excuse to start running this season, we hope that these reasons have convinced you. 

Be sure to check out the GearTOP blog for more tips on how to get started with running this fall – we can help make it fun and easy for you!

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